You will be able to invest in up to two internal projects each year. These projects aim at increasing your productivity, reducing your costs and/or improving your organization capabilities. Slick execution of a strategy is the next most vital ingredient of high profit growth as the strategy itself. Indeed, sloppy execution can ruin a great strategy.
Where organization capabilities are weak, these need to be built for a strategy to be successful. However, internal projects, though laudable, cannot compensate for a strategy which fails to have high profit growth at its core.
Corporate projects will benefit all your brands in your portfolio. Each internal project is presented in section 6 at the end of this document. This section contains a description of the project as well as an estimation of the expected impact that that project will have. Some projects may take more than one year to bear fruit; this is realistic in large organizations such as Blue Buddies. Note that some of the projects listed are not available for implementation during Round Red.
Click the ‘+’ button to initiate new projects; the form shown below pops up. Click on the project that you want to initiate. Each corporate project has a cost that will be incurred in the year when you launch it. At any time, you may change your mind and “undo” a corporate project by selecting it and clicking the ‘-‘ button.
Figure 13 – Corporate Projects Decision Form