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Visual Awakening / Visual Exploration / Visual Strategy Fair / Visual Communication

Visual Awakening / Visual Exploration / Visual Strategy Fair / Visual Communication is the four step process of the Blue Ocean Strategy methodology.  

1. Visual Awakening

The Visual Awakening serves as a wake-up call for companies to challenge their existing strategy. A common mistake is to discuss changes in strategy before resolving differences of opinion about the current state of play. Another problem is that managers are often reluctant to accept the need for change.  

In the Visual Awakening stage drawing the PMS Map and “as is” strategy canvas brings home the need for change quickly and forcefully.

2. Visual Exploration

During Visual Exploration, teams of managers go out into the field to explore the Six Paths Framework gathering noncustomer insights. Here they are looking to observe the distinct differences of alternative products and services to see which factors should be eliminated, reduced, raised, or created in the company’s offerings.  

3. Visual Strategy Fair

The penultimate step is the Visual Strategy Fair. Here teams begin to draw their “to be” strategy canvases based on insights from the Visual Awakening and Visual Exploration stages. The strategy fair invites senior corporate executives, external constituencies—the kinds of people met during the teamsʼ field work, including noncustomers and customers of competitors. The objective is for each team to present their various alternative strategy canvases and gain feedback to build the best possible “to be” future strategy canvas.  

4. Visual Communication

After a lot of work perfecting their “to be” strategy canvases, the last step is to communicate it in a way that can be easily understood by all employees. This step is called Visual Communication. This is executed principally by distributing a one-page picture showing the new and old strategic profiles on the strategy canvas so that every employee can see where the company stood and where it has to focus its efforts to create a compelling future.  




Adoption Hurdles                                                           1

Alternative Industries                                                   1

Angels                                                                             1, 9

Atomization                                                                      1


Blue Ocean Idea                                                         1, 2

Blue Ocean Strategy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Blue Oceans                                                                      2

Buyer Utility Map                                                            3

Buyers                                                                   2, 3, 5, 7


Cognitive Hurdles                                                           3

Cold Spots                                                                          3

Commonalities                                                                 4

Complementary Products and Services                 4

Consigliere                                                                         4

Create                                                                             4, 5


demand                                                       2, 4, 8, 10, 11

Devils                                                                              4, 9

Divergence                                                                        4


Eliminate                                                                        4, 5

Emotional Appeal                                                           5

Engagement                                                                 5, 6

ERRC                                                                         4, 5, 14

Expectation Clarity                                                         5

Explanation                                                                   5, 6


factor                      1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14

fair process                                                            5, 6, 10

Fair Process                                                                  5, 6

Fishbowl Management                                                6

Focus                                                                            6, 10

Four Actions Framework                                      6, 14


Horse Trading                                                                   7

Hot Spots                                                                           7


influencer                                                                           3


Kingpins                                                                              7


Migrators                                                                       7, 8

Motivational Hurdles                                                     7


Noncustomers                                                                 8


Pioneer-Migrator-Settler                            7, 8, 9, 11

Pioneers                                                                        8, 9

PMS                                                              7, 8, 9, 11, 14

Political Hurdles                                                               9

Price Corridor of the Mass                                          9

purchaser                                                                           3


Raise                                                                                4, 5

Reconstructionist View                                              10

Red Oceans                                                                     11

Reduce                                                                           4, 5

Resource Hurdles                                                         11


Settlers                                                                        8, 11

Six Paths Framework                                       4, 11, 14

Strategic Groups                                                           11

Strategic Move                                                              12

Strategic Pricing                                                             12

Strategic Profile                                                             12

strategic sequence                                                      10

Strategy Canvas                                                            12

Substitutes                                                                      12


Tagline                                                                              12

Target Costing                                                                12

Time                                                                                   13

Tipping Point Leadership                                           13


user 3


Value Curve                                                                    13

Value Innovation                                                          14

Value-Cost Trade-off                                                  13

Visual Awakening                                                         14

Visual Communication                                                14

Visual Exploration                                                         14

Visual Strategy Fair                                                      14