Squazol Customers

Squazol customers are medium and large corporations who purchase the products to integrate them into complex systems. Market research studies show that the Squazol market can be divided into five major groups of customers, also called segments, having similar needs and purchasing behavior.

      Public Utilities (Ut)

      Construction Industry (Co)

      Oil Industry (Oi)

      Chemical Industry (Ch)

      Manufacturing Industry (Ma)

Most customers are extremely knowledgeable about Squazol technology and the different characteristics of the existing products. Each segment has specific needs in terms of physical characteristics and price. Some demand high-performance products, i.e. products with high power and/or maximum pressure. Others are more concerned by the reliability of the products, i.e. products with high Servicing or MTBF durations. Similarly, the price-sensitivities of the various segments differ significantly.

Awareness levels and purchase intentions vary significantly for existing products from one group to the other.  Market forecast studies show that the sizes and growth rates of the five segments are significantly different. This is explained in part by the development stage of each segment, by the varying product offerings, and by the intensity of marketing effort targeted at each segment.