Media Reporting

This Report contains all information related to media.

Media Share of Voice & Coverage. Share of voice measures how much of the conversation with target consumers your product owns versus your competitors. This conversation can be on social media, your blog, and any other place your target audience can hear from products. Media coverage is used to refer to all blog articles, RSS feeds, video content or other types of digital content (produced by individuals or organizations other than your own company) where your product, products or services are discussed or shown.

Media Habits & Return on Marketing Investment. The segments media habits represent the media usage of any target group. Usually, this research is used by media planners at the highest levels of media buying. Return on marketing investment (ROMI) is the contribution to profit attributable to marketing (net of marketing spending), divided by the marketing 'invested' or risked.

       Figure 31 – Market Research – Media Reporting – Media share of voice & coverage