Profit & Loss Statement

A sample Profit & Loss statement is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Annual Report – Sample P&L Statement

The Profit & Loss statement shows the evolution over time of your financial results, at the offering or company level (at later stage). Each row of the brand P&L statement is explained in the table below.



Number of units sold x Average price.

Cost of goods sold

Number of units sold x Unit production cost. The unit cost depends on the characteristics of your product as well as of the levels of services and distribution offered by your company.

Gross contribution

= Revenues – COGS

Marketing expenditures

The investments made in specific communications actions aimed at building or increasing your brand awareness in the targeted customer segments.

Geographical expansion
(sales force)

The total cost of your sales force, including salaries and other benefits. These expenditures depend on your geographical expansion.

Contribution after Marketing

= Gross contribution – (Marketing + Sales force expenditures).

Product Development

The investments made in R&D for product development.

Other costs
(G&A & Corporate projects)

This includes the general & administrative costs (% of revenues) as well the costs of the Corporate Projects launched during the past years.


= Contribution after marketing – R&D – Other costs