The “Experiment” report provides the results of communication and commercial team experiments that are conducted in a selected regional test market during the simulated period.
Communication experiment. A communication experiment is conducted by increasing communication budgets in a selected regional market. The results of the study are used to project the level of awareness and the market share that would have been achieved nationwide by each product with the same increase in communication and if competitive actions had remained unchanged. The impact on product contribution is provided as well. An increase in contribution for a given product shows that you would have benefited from communication for this product. The layout of this study is very similar to that of the commercial team experiment, illustrated in Figure 32.
Commercial Team experiment. This experiment is set up by increasing the size of the commercial team in each channel in a selected regional market. The results of the study are used to project the additional number of accounts and the market share that would have been achieved nationwide by each product with the same increase in commercial budget and if competitive actions have remained unchanged. The impact on product contribution is provided as well. An increase in contribution for a given product shows that you would have benefited from allocating more people to this product. See Figure 32 for a sample screenshot of this study.
Figure 32 – Market Research – Commercial Team Experiment