Competitive Advertising and Commercial Team Estimates

The “Competitive Intelligence” report provides estimates of the advertising and commercial budgets spent by the companies in each market during the simulated period.

Competitive Advertising. Competitive advertising budgets are given by firm, by product and by consumer segment. The breakdown by product and consumer segment is also provided. All products marketed in the current period are included in the study. See Figure 29 for an extract of this study.

Estimated Communication Dimensions and Message Quality. This section provides an estimate of the dimensions that have been used by all products in their communication, as well as an estimate of the message quality. The message quality is a function of the level of advertising research budget allocated to a product, as well as its position towards the targeted segment’s ideal point.

Competitive Commercial Team. This study estimates the size of competitive commercial teams by firm, product and channel, and how the teams are allocated to products and channels. All products marketed in the current period are included in the study. See Figure 30 for an extract.

       Figure 29 – Market Research – Competitive Advertising – Product expenditures      

       Figure 30 – Market Research – Competitive Commercial Team – Size by firm and channel