Knowledge Evaluation Questionnaires

The Knowledge Evaluation Questionnaires is a set of multiple-choice questions to be answered by each participant.

Evaluation of participant comprehension can be on the subject of your choice, i.e.: Marketing or Blue Ocean Strategy theory, simulation pre-reading materials, etc…

The following is a list of pre-defined Knowledge Evaluation questionnaires:


    Understanding Marketing Mix Questionnaire. 14 questions.

    Understanding Strategic Marketing Questionnaire. 18 questions.

    Understanding Market Studies Questionnaire. 14 questions.

    Applying Marketing in Markstrat Questionnaire. 12 questions.

    Introduction 1 Questionnaire. 12 questions to test the participants knowledge of the intro slides at the start of the simulation exercise.

    Introduction 2 Questionnaire. 12 questions to test the participants knowledge of the second set of intro slides, including the Vodite market.

Blue Ocean Strategy Simulation:

    Blue Ocean Strategy Theory. 30 questions to test the participants understanding of the Blue Ocean Strategy Theory. Reading the Blue Ocean Strategy book by Kim & Mauborgne is a must to respond to this questionnaire.

    BOSS - Introduction to Round Red.  20 questions to test the participants understanding of Round Red which includes the description of the Blue Ocean Strategy world, making decisions and team dynamics.

    Introduction to Round Blue-1 & Blue-2.  10 questions to test the participant comprehension of Round Blue 1&2 decisions and strategy.

    Introduction to Round Blue-3. 9 questions to tests the participant knowledge of the final Blue round including Service and Delivery Factors.