Product Development Tool – Multidimensional Scaling

The regression model presented in section IV.3 is used to automate fours tasks related to product characteristics, pricing and perceptions.

      Determine how to modify a brand to target a desired position on perceptual maps.

      Determine how to design a new brand to target a desired position on perceptual maps.

      Calculate where a modified brand is likely to be positioned on the perceptual maps.

      Calculate where a new brand is likely to be positioned on perceptual maps.

The tool can be accessed by selecting TOOLS in the ANALYZE menu and then clicking on the appropriate icon. A new page pops-up to let you choose which task you want to perform. Make sure to authorize pop-up windows in your browser.

It is important to note that the tool based on multidimensional scaling is usually less accurate than the one based on semantic scales. To design R&D projects, we advise you to use the tool based on semantic scales and then to validate your findings with this one.